For SBA Lenders
Lenders have very specific needs for very specific regulations. We understand these requirements. If you are a lender that needs a business valuation appraisal to satisfy an "in house" requirement or for a government loan program such as the SBA or USDA, we can accommodate.
Lenders have the flexiblity to use our No Cost Review program, while also working with a CVA one on one to accommodate Current Turntimes.

Step Two: Engagement Letter
* The CVA will then email the lender an engagement letter with pricing and a list of the documentation needed
* Once the engagement letter is signed by the lender and sent back with the required documentation, the CVA will complete the business appraisal
* If it appears that the business appraisal is lower than the stated amount financed, the CVA will contact the lender immediately
Step One: Inquiry
* Begin by emailing
* A Certified Valuation Analyst (CVA) will contact the lender within 24 hours
* The CVA will obtain some preliminary information concerning the loan and the business
Step Three: Delivery
* The CVA will then electronically deliver the business valuation accompanied with a payment invoice to the lender and mail a hard copy in 2-4 weeks
* The invoice will be due to be paid by the lender within fourteen (14) days after the delivery date
* The lender will receive a survey soliciting feedback about their experience